26 August 2024

Saint Blaise Switzerland

Leaving Basel around 9am we took the back roads ie the non toll roads to Saint Blaise where my uncle lives on the shores of Lake Neuchatel. It was a lovely drive through the countryside, hills and gorges. 

We arrived around 11:30am. It’s an emotional reunion as it’s the first time coming back to my mother’s home town after her passing last year. As soon as we arrive we head up to the chalet in Chaumont/Mont Rose. My grandfather bought the land and built the chalet as a summer retreat for his young family (5 children) and so my mum had spent many summers here. It’s wonderful that it is still in the family and Hans’s (husband to mums twin sister Rosette) children and grandchildren are still using it. We spent a lovely afternoon, enjoying a marvellous lunch with my cousins Laurent (and 2 of his children) and David. 

The next morning we walked a short distance to the church where my mum and dad got married in 1968. 

And the school she went to.

Later we meet up again with family to have lunch in the gorgeous French and German medieval village of Morat/Murten.  As we walked through one of the open gateways of the city walls that protect the old town we were greeted by the sound of the alphorns. They are several meters long and were traditionally used for communication in the mountainous regions of Europe. 

We enjoyed a delicious lunch. Mark was again very happy with his schnitzel that was named elephant ear.. maybe due to its size. 

Afterwards we had a much needed stroll and went up on the village walls that offered interesting views over the roof tops.

We then walked down to the lakes edge and treated ourselves to some yummy ice cream.

Our day ended with some reminiscing and looking at some old albums.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye and continue on our journey. 

120km in Switzerland 

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