23 August 2024

Loue River Villages France

This morning we moved to park next to the Loue River in Lods and wandered up the narrow street to the church. On the way back down we had a look at the Lavoire. It’s a pretty village but it is not teeming with tourists as some others can be. 

We drove along the Loue River to the next village, Vuillafans. We had a little look around and bought some breakfast and a baguette at the boulangerie. 

Further along the river was Ornans, a larger town with a lot more shops and restaurants. We parked in the blue zone, which means it’s free for a certain period of time but we must display our arrival time with a special disk on the dashboard.

The views of the buildings along the river were picturesque.

From here we departed the river and continued through farm land and forests stopping for a cuppa at the Grace Dieu convent.

Further in our route towards Basel we had a quick bite to eat in Sancy. They had an interesting dispensary of cooked meals and they even provided a microwave to heat up your purchase!

We reconnected with the Doubs River in Pont de Roide. We went for a walk and admired the church. Many shops were closed for the lunch and for the holiday period so not much was happening in town.

The quickest way to the motorhome aire in Ferrette from here was to go through a corner of Switzerland via Porrentruy (a nice town visited in 2013) and come out again at Miecourt.  We are always thankful for free places to stay but the road here was a tad noisy so we popped over the other side of the road in a parking area a bit more away from the main road. 

149km today

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