15 August 2024

Col du Galibier France

It was a slow start to the morning as we waited for the storm to pass and the weather to clear so we could see something as we drove the 8km to the Col du Galibier (2642m alt.). 

The drive offered us great views over the Col du Lautaret and the valley towards Briancon. 

We didn’t go through the tunnel but took the road to the right to take us up to the pass (previously visited in 2014 with Bob and Robyn). 

We managed to park Bluey in the side of the road and walk up to the lookout. 

From here we could see over the Écrins massif and the mountains towards north. The Grand Galibier peak stood above us at over 3800m. 

We then descended down to Valloire. We once again stopped to have a look at the straw sculptures, an annual competition built by competitors from around the world.

We then used the free service point to empty and fill Bluey as required. We parked up and had a walk through the very touristy village. The weather changed once again so we decided to continue on. We stopped at the Col de Telegraph for lunch (2022 Tour de France). 

We looked at the map and decided to turn right at the bottom in the valley to Val Cenis (2014) as we had been left a couple of times before (2014, 2022). Due to a detour, a stop at the shops and the weather - rain, we decided to stop in the aire at Termignon rather than heading up to The Col Du Mount Cenis tonight. Hopefully with the weather improving, we can go explore tomorrow.

Nothing like the french slugs after some rain.
Not sure the snails should be eaten raw …. Heheh 

Nice ancient door
Mark has wood pile envy

Our 79km journey..

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