11 August 2024

Orcieres Merlette France

We had a spectacular day with a wonderful walk to the 6 Lakes from Orcieres Merlette.

We got up to the ski resort nice and early and parked near the chairlift . As it was only 8am we had time to go to the Boulangerie for baguettes for lunch and delicious pain au chocolat for breakfast. 

We managed to work out that we only needed to get tickets for one of the gondolas (Drouvet 1&2) and could descend on the other (Rocherousse) for €13 each. This is the easier way to do the 6 Lakes walk as there is only a small ascent then the track descends all the way to either the Rocherousse gondola (7km) or all the way down to the village (10km +). 

It took approximately 15min via the chairlift from the village 1850m to Drouvet 2 at 2655m alt. We spent a few minutes taking in the beautiful views. 

Then we followed the well signed track to the first and largest lake Estaris. We took our time to enjoy the views. 

Next we walked down to Lake Jumeaux. They have positioned a few sculptures along the way reminding us that the shepherd and their sheep have a long history in the high mountains.

The track then took us past Lake Profond.

At Lake Long we enjoyed taking a rest and eating our baguettes.

Lake Sirènes was the last lake we walked around.

Then it was down to the Chalet de Rocherousse to take the chairlift back to the village. We had loved our 4 hours up in this gorgeous part of the alps.

Bluey was hot (33°c)  having been left in the sun, so it was time to find some shade for the afternoon. We tried a few spots but in the end we ended back where we were last night on the banks of the Drac Noir River.

Only 17km today…

Here are some photos of the flowers, unfortunately I don’t know their names…

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