15 August 2024

Lac du Mont Cenis France

The rain had cleared by morning, so after a walk into Termignon  to the boulangerie we left to go to the Lake of Mont Cenis (stopped for lunch here in 2014 coming across the pass from Italy). 

Not too many switchbacks up to the Col…
View of Termignon
Beautiful snow capped mountains
Nearly there so happy we are in Bluey and not on a bike ..

The pass has an interesting history of possibly being the track that Hannibal took with elephants. 

Napoleon also used the pass.

Now the pass is conquered by cyclists but enjoyed by many coming by cars, motorbikes and motorhomes. 
We drove along the length of the lake to the dam wall. Along the road in various areas there were many motorhomes parked up. 

We decided to take a small road towards the Refuge of the Petit Mont Cenis. Although still popular we managed to get a spot looking out on the lake as others drove off. 

From here we walked 3km up to the refuge, which was booked out for lunch inside. Amazing how many people were up here.You can actually drive up to the refuge and there are several walks on offer from here. We weren’t in the mood to tackle any longer hikes.  

There used to be a little train that came over the pass linking Italy and France but only lasted 3 years in the late 1800’S. Now there is a tunnel.

The road was quite narrow.
There are several small dairy farms scattered throughout. It was lovely listening to the cow bells as we walked back down to Bluey. 

We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon in the sun watching the cars etc on the other side of the lake.

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