10 August 2024

Around Gap France

Around Gap France

We went in search of the sources des Gaillardes which bubbles up and out from an underground water supply. It was a pretty walk through the forest.  

Once again it was a beautiful drive through the countryside. 

We passed a Brocante (car boot market) in a little village  and found a treasure to buy! 

We then continued up to the Col du Festre where we stopped for breakfast. 

Then we descended into the valley towards Gap.

We did a detour to see the Créüse mountain and enjoyed the views along the drive. 

In Gap we did a quick shop, got fuel (€1.62) and some water for Bluey. As the crowds and heat weren’t for us, we got out of there as soon as we could and headed up towards the mountains once again this time to Orcières. 

We stopped for lunch and a stroll in St.Jean-St Nicolas.

Further along the way we went to have a look at stop beside the River Drac Noir and couldn’t resist it. So we stayed. Tonight we are eating moules from Brittany .. yum

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