After a brief stop at Lidl in Cham, Germany, we crossed the border into Czech Republic.
We strolled around Miru Square in the old town of Domazlice, lined with many prominent buildings and arcades, a reflection of it being part of the Austrian monarchy until 1918.

We continued on through the countryside avoiding the toll roads as we have not bought a vignette as we are only popping in for a couple of days.
We arrived just after 12 at the free motorhome parking area on the outskirts of Pilsen.We took bus #21 (only leaves every hour on the weekends) a couple of stops then took #4 tram a short distance into the old town.
We were told at the information office that there was a burger festival at the brewery, so having not eaten lunch and being 2pm we made our way there. We booked tickets to do the English tour at the brewery and then had a burger and of course a Pilsner Urquell beer, as this is where it is brewed.

The nearly 2 hour tour (czk380/A$25/€15 pp) was very informative. It was in 1842 that the first batch of bottom-fermented lager was made. The Pilsner/Pils type brew has become the common name for pale ale of the same type. The brewery was built by the people of Pilsen coming together to create a now world wide renowned beer, so it made us sad for the Czech people that it has been bought out by the Japanese owned brand Asahi.

The area is huge … its own suburb. They even use the water found underneath from 3 wells. They need 3 litres of water for 1 litre of beer.

The way the individual brewers used to make the beer.
The brewing process was explained in great detail as we were taken through the operating areas.
Then down into the cool historic cellars.
We ended up with a glass of pure unfiltered beer which is cloudier and stronger tasting than the typical filtered beer bought everywhere else.
As we came back out into the sunlight it was still quite hot. So we walked back to the main square which is one of the largest in the country.
There were some lovely buildings including The Imperial House.
We also had a peak in the gothic cathedral situated in the middle of the square.

We stopped in a pub for an early dinner enjoying another beer and a shared meal.

Then we managed to time our return back to Bluey so that we didn’t have to wait 1hr for the bus.
145km today.