14 June 2022

Picos to Cabarceno Spain

Travelled: 138km via Potes, Hermida Gorge, Comillas to Cabarceno parking area (43.3585, -3.8189)

Once again we awoke to low cloud which remained with us as we drove out of the Picos de Europa area.
No one seemed awake as we stopped in Mogrovejo. We waddled around with our sore legs, admiring the lovely stone buildings then as quietly as possible drove back out of this little village that was used in a Heidi movie (not sure which one). There was also a medieval tower but closed and up a hill.
Mark is demonstrating a bullock in this holding structure for insémination 🤣

Lovely stone work.

Very old roof structure
Along the way we saw a local dairy producing cheese
And drying corn cobs..note sure if it’s just decorative 
In Potes we had a coffee and croissants for breakfast and bought a baguette. 
Some lovely buildings in town.

The essentials available when the pharmacy is closed.
As we turned north we drove along through the La Hermida gorge. 

We stopped the Canal de Urdon to take in the atmosphere.

We filled up with water at the service point in Panes before stopping in Colombres to have a look at some of its elegant colonial houses. These were primarily built by emigrants who had left the area in the 1900’s to go to America and returned having earned money and success to build these magnificent houses. One of them is now the Emigrant Museum. 

We drove through San Vincente but the port town was super busy and we left stopping briefly at Playa Oyambre to have a look at the popular beach.

A little further east was Comillas (also previously visited) where we ventured into the historic centre and had a tapas and beer.

Feeling weary we couldn’t decide if we wanted to stay and visit the coast again or go inland. In the end we settled for a parking area we had been to before at Cabarceno next to a huge open air zoo.

After a rest we stretched our legs and watched the elephants for a while.

Then back to Bluey in the shade next to the lake for a BBQ dinner.

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