24 June 2022

Cols and Valleys in the Haut Pyrenees France

Day 46/ France 31

Travelled:92km/4338km - over Col d’Aspin, to Arreau, Loundenvielle, Luchon and Lys Valley parking area (42.7461,0.5673)

We were once again surrounded by heavy fog, so after our coffee we headed down the mountain to Ste Marie and parked just out of town waiting for the weather to clear a bit. 

It didn’t seem to be getting any better so for the 3rd time we drove over the Col d’Aspin in the cloud and rain…

in the next valley the sun was shining as we pulled into Arreau. In 2013 it was recovering from the floods.. today the two rivers (Aure and Lourons) were flowing gently through town.

We admired the Town hall with the covered market square underneath.

 The Maison de Lys was also a standout with its magnificent 16thC facade. 

Mark particularly liked the saw mill powered by water.
We popped into have a look at the church.

We watched while the regional specialty was being made .. a brioche cake made by spinning it in front of a fire..

Loaded with a baguette and f.a.c.c.s we set off to our next destination, Loundenvielle. A pretty town offering all sorts of activities. We had a quick walk into town but our aim was to park in the shade with good internet so Mark could watch the Bombers play (lost). We then drove over the Col de Peyresoudre.

We stopped in Bagneres de Luchon and did some shopping. It’s a large valley town that has been using the thermal waters since the Roman times.

We chose a lovely parking area in the Lys Valley to stay for the night with a few others joining us.

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