06 June 2022

Logrono Rioja Spain

Travelled: 91km to Puente La Reina, Estella and Logrono in Rioja area Spain
Stay: Elciego motorhome parking area free (42.5150, -2.6155)

After an extremely quiet night, we had our coffee and ventured off to Puente La Riena. We parked close to the historic centre and walked down the to the towns name sake, the 7 arched 11thC bridge.

 It’s a busy Compostela town due to the meeting of 2 major routes.
The golden wooden altars have been amazing in Spain and this one did not disappoint.
Saint James..
The Pilgrims Prayer
Next we stopped in Estella which has prospered since the 11thC from being a strategic stop along the Pilgrims way to Santiago. We strolled down the main street admiring the buildings, enjoying its lively atmosphere. 

We then crossed the river to the Church of San Pedro de La Rua, built on a cliff top.

 The cloister was very picturesque. 

With our bellies rumbling and with fond memories of our last visit in 2014, we parked up next river in Logrono is search for the tapas bars.

We were not disappointed as our 2 favourites were open!  Meat kebab in a small bun with special garlic sauce,

mushroom with more garlic sauce,

croquettes, bbq squid with, you guessed it, garlic sauce

and our last one was  fried squid ( we were hoping for bbq green peppers but they had run out).

It was all delicious and, needless to say, 5 bars later we were having a siesta in Bluey… 
Ohhh and here are a couple of buildings was saw along the way in town.

We decided not to to stay in the city and chose a motorhome parking area in the quiet village of Elciego, in the heart of Rioja wine area…that’s a story for another day.

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