15 June 2021

Serpentine Falls WA

Travelled: 199km from Potters Gorge in Wellington NP to Yalgorup NP, Serpentine NP ending at  Jarrahdale RV parking

We began the day with a pleasant walk around Potters Gorge learning about the areas flora and fauna. 

These red-tailed black cockatoos were shredding the trees of their gumnuts.

We then drove to Yalgorup National Park set along elongated lakes near the coast just south of Mandurah. It’s most popular attraction are the thrombolites found in Lake Clifton. We could view these rock like formations that are actually built by microorganisms from a boardwalk. 

Next we headed to the Serpentine National Park (entry fee payable) in the Perth Hills area. The falls are a main attraction especially in summer as you can swim in the rock pool below. A mob of kangaroos enjoy the lush grass in the picnic area whilst we cook our toastie on the BBQ and chat to the ranger. Although there are a few walking trail options from here, we just went to have a look at Serpentine Falls. 

Not far away was the historical town of Jarrahdale where we decided to have a slow afternoon before hitting the city. It is one of the Western Australia’s oldest settlements that began with the timber industry in 1872 until 1997 when the last of the 14 mills finally closed.

We parked up in the huge free RV parking area and went for a stroll. Then we settled in for hopefully a peaceful night.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see some blue skies as your travels head north. I was blissfully unaware of Thrombolites, be a bit worried next time I pick up a gooly and hoy it at something.

    Pam and I are back at home in front of the heater. Spent the day cleaning the inside of the Jayco yesterday with a bit more to finish it off today.

    Will give you a call when you clear Perth.


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