13 September 2024

To Blegny Belgium

It was made apparent to us today that the summer season is over, both by the weather and the couple of tourist sites we wanted to visit being closed.

After a peaceful nights sleep in Soest and a quick coffee we were on the road again. Not far from here was the Mohne Reservoir. When the dam was completed in 1912, it was the largest in the world. It became a target by the British forces in May 1943 (The Dambusters) to destroy the electrical installations and thus affect the power supply to the war industry. Unfortunately it also resulted in 1,500 plus lives being lost, many were foreign forced labourers held in camps downriver. It took 7,000 men to repair the wall which done by September 1943! 

From here we made our way 100km to Solingen, also known as the ‘City of Blades’, as it is renown for its manufacturing in swords, knives, scissors and razors. We had planned to visit an Industrial Heritage Museum. But it was not to be as it was closed today. Whilst we were here the town’s sirens started ringing and the mobile phone had an alert signal going. It was quite disconcerting. Fortunately the alert message said it was just a nation wide test… phew! Brought back memories of when we were at school and they would do a mock fire drill. 

So once again we consulted our maps and apps to figure out where to from here.

We decided on a coal mine museum in Blegny in Belgium, 148km away.

But before we left Germany, Mark needed to stock up on his favourite beer, Augustiner Hells. We found a getranke store. They encouraged you to buy at least 2 crates for the  safety of your back… hehe.We successfully completed our mission (31 x 500ml bottle @€45).

Then we took the motorways to our destination, arriving around 3pm, to find that the mine is only open on weekends since the 9th September. Luckily they allow 24hrs stays and provide a free service point. So we settle in and do a bit more research and chores to pass the afternoon. When the rain has passed we were able to stroll around the complex which had a few information panels.

279km today… getting closer to France .

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