10 September 2024

Lubeck Germany

Ahhh the sweet sound of rain on Bluey’s roof and the cooler weather greeted us this morning. I was finally able to catch up on some bookwork and Mark did some indoor chores - unblocking the vanity basin and cleaning the roof vents. We were just about to head out to grab some lunch when the rain restarted in earnest so we got out the bickies and sardines and waited it out. It wasn’t long after that we were able to go and explore Lubeck which was once one of the richest and most powerful Hanseatic towns in Europe. Today, it is renowned for its unique Gothic Brick architecture. The old town is surrounded by waters from the Trave River and its shape resembles a tear drop. We followed the SmartGuide App to the main sights along with our Eyewitness travel books. The first main monument we encountered was the Castle Gate which was part of the historic fortifications.

On the outside we were able to look out onto the river and harbour. 

We walked around the outside of the walls to the museum which is now the largest one dedicated to the Hanseatic League. There were several information boards depicting the historical significance of the buildings here. Of course it had once been a prison. 

We continued on reaching a square that had the Heiligen-Geist- Hospital (Holy Ghost), which is one of the oldest in the world to still house the elderly.

 We also admired St.Jacobi church with its lovely organ and stalls.

The guide took us past a couple of famous locals.. Willy Brandt and Gunter Grass,

near St.Catherine’s Church, now used for exhibitions.

We refuel with a delicious curry wurst and chips.

Buddenbrook House is dedicated to the city’s most famous writers-Henrick and Thomas Mann. 

Over the road was St.Mary’s Church situated on the old town’s highest point. It has the tallest brick vault in the world at 38.5m.

We spot the little devil.. here is his story.

This is the wine bar…

Next is the amazing Town Hall. It is one of the largest medieval town halls in Germany. Unfortunately the tours were booked out but we still appreciated the exterior with all its facades.

We had a look at St.Peter’s church which is now used for concerts and exhibitions.

These houses once stored salt mined near Luneburg and brought here via the Stexhnitz Canal. Then it was shipped to several ports I the Baltic Region. Later they stored different goods.

The Holstein Gate was once the city’s only entrance and has become the emblem of Lubeck with its famous 2 round towers and arched entrance, a true selfie opportunity!

We walked along the canal through lovely streets. 

Then came to the cathedral, built in the 1100’s it was partly destroyed during WWII bombing raids. There were several interesting features. We read about its history and rebuild. It always amazes us how these magnificent buildings are brought back from ruin. 

Around the corner was St.Anne’s Museum and the Synagogue next door.

We walked around St.Giles Church trying to find the canon ball in the wall.

We have seen these 3 light pedestrian signs… we think that they didn’t want to use just a 2 light setup.
Then we enjoyed a beer before heading back to Bluey via a quick shop at Aldi.

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