12 September 2024

Hameln to Soest Germany

We had a busy day visiting several towns along our journey south through Germany. It was a wet  and miserable morning as we left Celle at about 7:30. It took us just over an hour to drive 100km to Hameln. We paid €2.50 for parking and went to explore the historic centre. The town is best known for the tale of the Pied Piper who played his magic flute to make all the rats follow him out of the town. We found emblems in the pavement and a statue of him  but that was about all. 

Of course we popped into the churches. 

The Germans love their ice cream… but not allowed in the church.
We also admired the buildings as we strolled through the street. 

Then we continued on, this time 38km to Lemgo. We had free parking just next to the centre. 

Being spared during WWII, the town had many exceptional buildings. 

We hunkered down in the church when a storm came through. 

Then we went to the museum, which was once the mayor’s house who had started the witch hunt during the 1500’s. There were a few torture implements that would have been used on suspected witches to make them confess, and once they had, they were burnt at the stake! 

We enjoyed a currywurst from one of the market stalls. 

Then set off once again. Due to the rain we had to change our plans of going to see a huge statue and some rocks. Instead we drove another 82km to Soest. Once again we park for free next to the city centre and ventured in. This town had a variety of architectural styles in its buildings. We were astonished at the 2 huge churches side by side. As well as the Town Hall next to them. 

There was a small lake and gardens. A water channel also ran through a part of the town where old mill houses and tanneries could be found. 

We were wowed by the magnificent stainglassed windows in the Wiesenkirche. 

On our way back to Bluey we popped into the Brauhaus Zwiebel (onion brewery/pub). It had a great traditional atmosphere and the beer was good. I enjoyed my goulash but Mark’s pineapple schnitzel wasn’t up to standard (but edible). Time to waddle back and settle in for the night.

256km today which went a bit faster on the motorways with Bluey blowing cobwebs off at 120kmph

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