16 September 2024

Revin to Rocroy France

After a quiet night in Revin, we decided that this was a great spot to stay another night. So we enjoyed a slow start. As the fog lifted we went across the Meuse River to explore the old town. 

There were a few half timbered framed buildings, but on a whole this section of town has been ignored. It had once been a hive of activity and had major industry here with the river and rail as major transport routes. Never the less there are plenty of people living here and the motorhome parking area was full. 

As we returned from our stroll we looked into the boucherie’ window as he just got out some roasted pork knuckles and potatoes baked in their juices. So that was lunch sorted out along with our baguette and eclairs. Oooph. 

We did a bit of shopping (a new wiper blade for Bluey) and generally relaxed. Unfortunately later in the evening we became aware that we had a leaking water pipe in the toilet cabinet. Mark plugged it off and would deal with it in the morning. After retightening the fittings it appeared to be fixed. So off we went 13km away to Rocroi/Rocroy (visited 2015). We parked in the free motorhome area and walked into the village. It is quite unique in its star shape as it had once been a fortified town with a Vauban influence during the 17th century. As walked around we explored some of the tunnels, bastions and buildings that still remain often WWII bombings. 

Some old Citroens

Unfortunately when we returned to Bluey we could hear the water pump going which could only mean that the water pipe had burst again and half of our tank/40litres or so had been drained. It pays to turn off your pump when you leave the motorhome (which we usually do mind you). Anyway the afternoon was then spent emptying the lockers and drying out Bluey. 

Once that was done we thought it wasn’t much point moving on as the aire was very pleasant. So we had a bite to eat and a drink, then another walk around the town before settling in for the night.

Only a little blimp on the map… might need to do a few more Km tomorrow to get to Dieppe by Thursday.

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