02 September 2024

Melnik Czech Republic

We spent a couple of hours chatting with our kids this morning as it was Father’s Day back home. Then having finally decided on a course to take Bluey we drove out of Pilsen. Due to it being Sunday the roads were not busy. 

The non toll road route took us via Pasy where there is a large monastery and chateau complex with a diverse history. It has been a National monument since 1995 after being used as government buildings since 1826. We opted just to stroll around the outside.

The brick tower was amazing

Very elaborate pews.
We travelled through forests, fertile fields and quaint villages. But this was Mark’s favourite- hops.

Many roads are lined with fruit trees in particularly apples. 

We crossed the Elbe River and stopped at the historic centre of Melnik.

As per many towns found in what is known as the Bohemian area, it suffered greatly during the religious 30 year war in the 1600’s, along with several  fires and plagues. 

As it was well past our lunchtime, our first destination was a local pub, Dobry Kanec (Good Boar).  Mark had ribs and I had their specialty-boar. They were both delicious. 

How’s the head on these beers..

The church of St Peter and Paul stands proudly over the rivers and canal. We particularly liked the multi dome top of the tower. 

The Miru Square is lined with both renaissance and non-renaissance buildings, but the town hall stands out.

The Prague Gateway
We had a look inside the castle courtyard.

The town is well known for its production of wine. The vines originate from Burgundy, France.
There were 2 power coal plants close to town mainly used to supply Prague (visited 2015) that isn’t too far away. 

And so we continued our drive through the backroads. We stopped in Ceska Lipa to spend our leftover cash on fuel (€1.39) and LPG (€0.69).

It getting late and it’s been a fairly long drive (195km of windy roads) so we find a place near Novy Bor that’s close to a small lake in amongst the trees. Finishing the day with melon and a glass of Prosecco. 

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