09 May 2014

Chateau Fontainebleau France

Travelled: 91km
Visited: Chateau Fontainebleau
Stay: St Julien du Sault - Aire free - services free (water and dump point) - GPS N48°01.742' E3°18.084'

We arrived in Fontainebleau at 9:20am and managed to get a parking spot right outside the main entrance and because it is a public holiday we got to park for free! We went to buy a sandwich (baguette) for lunch and headed to the castle. We bought tickets to visit the Grands Apartments with an audio-guide for €13 each. 
The keep is the only part left of the original castle built in 1137. Since then it has had many additions and renovations. The rooms where amazingly decorated.

Napoleon Throne Room

We then drove to the Aire in St Julien du Sault. We had a walk around town after settling into the Aire.

1 comment:

  1. Chateaux Fountainebleau is rather over decorated isn't it? Very similar to Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. I guess they thought "If you've got it, flaunt it"! However it is lovely to be able to see the splendid workmanship that went into the buildings and furniture. Just a pity they displayed it all together.


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